Thursday, February 16, 2012


As I was trying to decide what to write about I realized that we’ve not covered anything actually geekish, well this week that ends!
The list of geeky things that interests me is vast and quite varied, but the one that has captivated me for the longest is by far the paranormal.  From a very early age I can remember experiencing things that I just could not explain.  Sometimes these events would frighten me, but most of them just made me curious about what was causing them.

As I grew older that curiosity only increased.  My two younger brothers and I share many things –the paranormal included- but the rest of our family has thought us to be all but crazy and have given us a great deal of strife over our beliefs no matter how solid our evidence might be.

Despite that though we stuck together –and to our guns- and over the years we’ve been blessed to find others who share our interests.  Luckily groups like The Atlantic Paranormal Society (From Ghost Hunters) and others have emerged, making those of us who are more than just interested in the paranormal seem less strange.

These days one can almost always find a show on television claiming to feature true accounts of ghosts and their interaction with the living.  The trick is being able to tell which ones are based in factual evidence from those that are closer to works of fiction.  However, the more you educate yourself about the equipment used by investigators and the results they produce the easier it will be for you to tell the good shows from the bad ones.

Keep in mind that as with most other things in life if it sounds too good –or scary- to be true, it probably is.  If you have any stories or questions about a paranormal experience please post them here and I’ll do my best to help you find an answer.  Also, I would like to send a sincere thank you to the people at T.A.P.S, G.H.I and G.A.C for making it more acceptable to talk about ghosts and for all us the information they have provided over the years.

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