Friday, March 23, 2012

The plight of the big sister.

The other night I had a nightmare where my two younger brothers and I were attacked by zombies--I am truly a geek at heart--and they panic.

We have a plan of action for if when if this happens, so I know my dream was unrealistic in this last aspect.  But none the less, before I woke up they both had managed to get themselves trapped and I was forced to decide which one to save.

I had only just turned two when the eldest of my two brothers was born.  So for as long as I can remember I have been a big sister.  When the second one came along I was still only four, but I had long since figuered out it was my job to protect them.  To make sure that they learned the things they needed to know and so on and so on...

Dreams like the one I had the other night are something I've been dealing with for a long time.  And while I'm no shrink I do know that their meaning is pretty clear.  For no matter how old--twenty-two and nearly twenty--or how much bigger and stronger they are, they will always be my little brothers.  And it will always be job to protect them.  Whether it's from phsyco exes or from hoardes of brain munchers trying to break into our secret bunker!

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